当前位置: 首页 > 体育资讯 > 反应Cody Gakpo:我们竭尽全力,但这不是我们想要的结果。周六利物浦2-2​​战平西汉姆联后,科迪·加克波表达了他的沮丧,因为红军无法在伦敦体育场将下半场的强劲表现转化为全取三分。


反应Cody Gakpo:我们竭尽全力,但这不是我们想要的结果。周六利物浦2-2​​战平西汉姆联后,科迪·加克波表达了他的沮丧,因为红军无法在伦敦体育场将下半场的强劲表现转化为全取三分。

发布时间:2024-04-30 15:49 作者:jrs直播 阅读:
反应Cody Gakpo:我们竭尽全力,但这不是我们想要的结果。周六利物浦2-2​​战平西汉姆联后,科迪·加克波表达了他的沮丧,因为红军无法在伦敦体育场将下半场的强劲表现转化为全取三分。(图1)

半场结束时,贾罗德·鲍文 (Jarrod Bowen) 的头球攻门,客队落后,但中场休息后,安迪·罗伯逊 (Andy Robertson) 扳平比分,加克波 (Gakpo) 的失误射门从铁锤帮 (Hammers) 门将阿方斯·阿雷奥拉 (Alphonse Areola) 身后入网。安东尼奥在比赛还剩 13 分钟时将主队扳平,尽管利物浦有机会赢得比赛,但在最后时刻哈维·埃利奥特击中横梁,他们最终被迫获得一分。请阅读我们在伦敦体育场的比赛报道

反应Cody Gakpo:我们竭尽全力,但这不是我们想要的结果。周六利物浦2-2​​战平西汉姆联后,科迪·加克波表达了他的沮丧,因为红军无法在伦敦体育场将下半场的强劲表现转化为全取三分。(图2)

Speaking to TNT Sports post-match, Gakpo said: “Obviously the result is not the result we wanted. We came here for the three points.“I think we played a good game. In the first half we controlled the game but then we conceded. We know that it is difficult to come back obviously, but we scored two goals and then we just had to stay more calm, keep the ball and don’t concede.“But we did, and so it is not the result we wanted.”Discussing the Reds’ second-half showing, and the message given by Jürgen Klopp at half-time, Gakpo added: “We just had to go for it. I think we did a lot of times already this season, bounced back from a goal against. So that was the message: just go and give it your all.“I think we did, but we conceded again, which was unfortunate.”






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